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PartNumber: 65270590BA01A12
  Adobe Stock Team   No Login .... No Prezzo   Aggiungi Prodotto al Carrello
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 Altri articoli del Produttore:  Adobe      
 Altri articoli nelle Categorie:/ Software / Grafica Digitale / Montaggio Audio Video      

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New Adobe Stock. Millions of images and videos. Right inside your Creative Cloud apps.\nThe new Adobe Stock marketplace offers 50 million high-quality, curated photos, videos and graphics to jump-start your creative projects. And because it's integrated into your Creative Cloud apps, you can spend more time designing and less time searching for and managing your stock assets.\n\nQuick access to creative assets that inspire great work.\nPurchase, access and manage high-quality, royalty-free Adobe Stock images, graphics and videos directly from your favorite Creative Cloud desktop apps. Search and browse assets right within your Creative Cloud Libraries, which now offer support for video in Adobe Premiere Pro CC and After Effects CC.\n\nNow with video\nAdobe Stock offers over one million video clips to use in your corporate video productions, TV commercials, websites and more. And with tens of millions more photos and graphics, its your one-stop shop for world-class design content.\n\nIn-app search, browse and purchase\nSearch for assets and browse results from directly inside your Creative Cloud Libraries panel. Use watermarked assets to see how things look, and then license the high-res versions from your app.\n\nEasy ways to buy\nSave up to 40% when you add Adobe Stock to any Creative Cloud plan, including plans for small-to-medium businesses and large enterprise organizations.\n\nStart selling your own images today.\nDo you create great images and graphics? Sell them through our vibrant and growing creative marketplace and build your business.\n\nFlexible plans to fit your needs.\nGet Adobe Stock with a Creative Cloud membership for the best value youll save up to 40% on the stock plan or choose a standalone subscription. If you dont use all the images in your plan one month, theyll automatically carry over into the next one (some limits apply). You also have the option to pay as you go.

  Peso Lordo: 1 Kg
Dimensioni Lorde: 100x100x100 mm
 Adobe - Sito web:http://  

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punto Prodotti di qualità dei maggiori Marchi
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INTERSYSTEM Ingegneria Informatica S.r.l. Societ� a socio unico P.IVA 00865531008 CF 01203550353 CU MITWDG8 CCIA: 614171 � 2000-2019 E' vietata la riproduzione anche parziale.