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PartNumber: 65305916BC12A12
  Adobe Substance 3d Collection Ent   No Login .... No Prezzo   Aggiungi Prodotto al Carrello
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 Altri articoli del Produttore:  Adobe      
 Altri articoli nelle Categorie:/ Software / Grafica Digitale / Grafica      

Descrizione disponibile anche in: Descrizione Italiana
The Substance suite of tools is the leading software solution for 3D materials. Discover how Substance apps can bring your creations to life—whether you work in games, film, architecture, or design.

Paint and texture your 3D models in real time.
Take your designs beyond 2D by hand painting your 3D models. Substance Painter has smart materials that adjust to any model to show realistic wear and tear. Experiment with mask presets that adapt to any shape, and paint with customizable brushes from Adobe Photoshop.

Work with a premium library of 3D materials.
Select from thousands of fully customizable materials created by our specialists and with the help of some of the industry’s most influential artists. Generate infinite texture variations to fit all types of creative applications. The parametric materials can be used with the most popular content creation apps and game engines like Unity and Unreal.

Digitize and author 3D material collections.
Your definitive scan processing resource, powered by AI. Modify existing materials or make new ones from photographs and high-res scans. Alchemist is an ideal go-to for workflows that require real-world references, as well as creative explorations. Do it all with a speedy and easy-to-use UI.

Create your own realistic 3D materials.
Craft custom materials with full authoring control. Start from scratch in a nondestructive, node-based environment and create tileable textures and patterns and edit complete texture sets. Substance Designer also features ever-expanding scripting capabilities. Design materials with precision and achieve your creative vision.

Your new favorite workflow.
Substance files play well with other Creative Cloud apps and 3rd party apps for modeling, rendering, and game creation. Import, tweak, and export Substance SBSAR files directly within Adobe Dimension, Cinema 4D, Epic Games' Unreal Engine, Unity, Autodesk’s Maya and 3ds Max, and many more.

Interested in Substance for enterprise? Get a solution tailored to your business, including priority support, expert training, custom content, and a dedicated account manager. Take your visuals to a new level of realism, all while lowering your production costs and increasing customer engagement.

  Peso Lordo: 10 Kg
Dimensioni Lorde: 100x300x200 mm
 Adobe - Sito web:http://  

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INTERSYSTEM Ingegneria Informatica S.r.l. Societ� a socio unico P.IVA 00865531008 CF 01203550353 CU MITWDG8 CCIA: 614171 � 2000-2019 E' vietata la riproduzione anche parziale.