PLANET FT-80x is a Fast Ethernet Bridge 100Base-FX fiber to 10/100Base-TX shielded twisted pair (STP) converter. It supports both half-duplex and full-duplex operations and a variety of fiber options. The converter auto-adapts to the highest level of performance supported by the device connected to the STP port. When the device is a switch or a workstation that supports full duplex, the converter adapts to the full-duplex mode and provides an effective 200Mbps bandwidth. When the connected device is a hub or a workstation that supports only half duplex, the converter adapts to the half-duplex mode and provides the nominal 100Mbps bandwidth. An override switch provides total manual control over the half/full-duplex operation, in fiber-optic interface. The fiber port of converter operates at 1310 nm and uses ST, SC, MT-RJ, VF-45 or WDM connectors. Multi-mode models that support distances up to 2km and single-mode models that support distances up to 15/35/50km are available.
The FT-80x series is with LFP (Link Fault Pass through function) (LLCF/LLR) and the DIP switch design. LLCF/LLR can immediately alarm administrators the problem of the link media and provide efficient solution to monitoring the net. The DIP switch provides disable or enable the LFP function.
LLCF (Link Loss Carry Forward) means when a device is connected to the converter and the TP line loses the link, the converter's fiber will disconnect the link of transmit. LLR (Link Loss Return) means when a device is connected to the converter and the fiber line loses the link, the converter's fiber will disconnect the transmit link. Both can immediately alarm administrators the problem of the link media and provide efficient solution to monitoring the net.
Ordering Information
FT-801 10/100Base-TX to 100Base-FX (ST, MM) Bridge Media Converter -2km
FT-802 10/100Base-TX to 100Base-FX (SC, MM) Bridge Media Converter -2km
FT-802S15 10/100Base-TX to 100Base-FX (SC, SM) Bridge Media Converter - 15km
FT-802S35 10/100Base-TX to 100Base-FX (SC, SM) Bridge Media Converter - 35km
FT-802S50 10/100Base-TX to 100Base-FX (SC, SM) Bridge Media Converter - 50km
FT-803 10/100Base-TX to 100Base-FX (MT-RJ, MM) Bridge Media Converter
FT-806A20 * 10/100Base-TX to 100Base-FX (WDM TX:1310nm, SM) Bridge Media Converter -20km
FT-806B20 * 10/100Base-TX to 100Base-FX (WDM TX:1550nm, SM) Bridge Media Converter -20km
Peso Lordo: 0,5 Kg
Dimensioni Lorde: 70x140x290 mm
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INTERSYSTEM Ingegneria Informatica S.r.l. Societ� a socio unico P.IVA 00865531008 CF 01203550353 CU MITWDG8 CCIA: 614171 � 2000-2019
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