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PartNumber: 910-004791
  Logitech Mouse M720 Triathlon Black (910-004791)   No Login .... No Prezzo   Aggiungi Prodotto al Carrello
Bluetooth, 2.4GHz, 1000 dpi, 1x Aa, 135g      
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Codice: 38368.01        
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 Altri articoli del Produttore:  Logitech      
 Altri articoli nelle Categorie:/ Hardware / Dispositivi di Input / Mouse Retail      

Descrizione disponibile anche in: Descrizione Italiana Descrizione Francese
M720 Triathlon, Bluetooth, 2.4GHz, 1000 dpi, 1x AA, 135g Built for endurance, versatility, and comfort Succeed in a multi-device world with M720 Triathlon Mouse. You'll power through tasks by switching seamlessly between 3 computers, and fly through documents and web pages with hyper-fast scrolling. Boosted efficiency means this Bluetooth and Unifying mouse lasts for 24 months on a single Aa battery. All that in a full-size shape fitting comfortably under your hand. Easy-Switch technology Pair your mouse with 3 computers, then switch seamlessly between them at a touch of the button conveniently positioned under your thumb. The 3 illuminated numbers always let you know to which device you're connected. Hyper-fast scrolling Fly through long documents and web pages with a spin of the wheel and stop instantly or switch to click-to-click scrolling when you need precision. Durable, sculpted design a true athlete, M720 is designed to endure, with buttons built to withstand up to 10 million clicks. The large-sized, right-hand design fits comfortably in your palm, the rubber surface making it extra soft to the touch. 24-month battery life You'll like this mouse's boosted efficiency, with 24 months of power on a single Aa battery. Personalized productivity Unlock the full range of possibilities and customize to fit your needs on Mac OS X and Windows by downloading Logitech Options Software. Set up and assign tasks to buttons with step-by-step instructions. An Immersion Guide is available to help answer your questions.

  Peso Lordo: 0,19 Kg
Dimensioni Lorde: 50x150x90 mm
 Logitech - Sito web:  

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