Fortinet FAZ-VM-GB2000 software license/upgrade
Customer satisfaction is Fortinet's number one priority. Fortinets FortiCare Services provide global support for all Fortinet products and deliver best-in-class support services. With FortiCare Services, customers can be assured that their Fortinet security products are performing optimally and protecting their corporate assets.
World Class Support
- Support calls answered in less than five minutes, 24 hours a day - Advanced Support options to align with customer operations - 800+ Fortinet support services experts on staff
Top FortiCare Objectives
- Train and empower security teams - Highlight best practices and maintenance for proactive protection - Provide expert, speedy assistance for operational needs
Professional Services
Developing a security strategy can put a strain on an organizations valuable time and resources. Fortinet Professional Services are comprised of expert engineers who are available globally to implement, integrate, and operate customers Fortinet Security Fabric solutions and FortiGuard Services for resilient connectivity and cyber risk management.
Technical Support
Unexpected technical glitches can lead to costly business downtime. With Fort(continua...)
Tutti i prezzi NON sono comprensivi di IVA.
Il Listino è in EURO, salvo se diversamente indicato. Marchi e i nomi di prodotti sono registrati dai rispettivi titolari. Dati a cura del Fornitore. Non possiamo essere ritenuti responsabili per eventuali errori o refusi presenti. Prodotti, versioni, prezzi, termini e garanzie sono soggetti a cambiamenti senza preavviso. In ogni rapporto di fornitura valgono le Condizioni Generali di Vendita. Prezzi aggiornati in tempo reale.
INTERSYSTEM Ingegneria Informatica S.r.l. Societ� a socio unico P.IVA 00865531008 CF 01203550353 CU MITWDG8 CCIA: 614171 � 2000-2019
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