SmartNode eSBC, 4 SIP Sessions no RTP transcoding (SIP b2b UA) upgradeable (max. 32), 5x Fast Ethernet, external UI power NA/EU (100240)
The SmartNode 5200 Enterprise Session Border Controller + Router bridges the wide range of IP PBX products to their service providers ensuring security and a high level of efficiency in the VoIP network. Connecting the Enterprises LAN to an Internet Telephony Service Provider (ITSP), the SN5200 creates a single conduit for multimedia components including voice, video and data.
Through the SIP Back-to-Back User Agent (B2BUA), the SmartNode 5200 provides a common interface into the service provider network providing resolution of any differences between the SIP from the IP PBX and the service provider softswitch. The B2BUA also isolates your network from the outside world to hide your private addresses and network topology for security purposes.
For additional security, the SN5200 includes SIP-aware NAT and access controlled lists ACLs for maintaining secure communications when SIP traffic crosses the Enterprise edge.
In addition, routing capabilities include RIP v1/v2, virtual router redundancy protocol (VRRP), loopback interfaces as well as advanced techniques like policy based routing (PBR). Furthermore, QoS keeps malicious traffic from effecting bandwidth requirements of PBR-marked essential traffic.
Peso Lordo: 7,91 Kg
Dimensioni Lorde: 100x300x200 mm
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INTERSYSTEM Ingegneria Informatica S.r.l. Societ� a socio unico P.IVA 00865531008 CF 01203550353 CU MITWDG8 CCIA: 614171 � 2000-2019
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