FortiGSLB Cloud Service with 10 Additional Advanced Health Checks, 5 Years
FortiGSLB Cloud Solution - Application Anywhere
FortiGSLB Cloud provides DNS-based load balancing as a service, enabling you to deploy redundant resources around the globe without having to maintain and manage your own load-balancing infrastructure. Leverage FortiGSLB Cloud to keep your businesses online in the event of localized traffic spikes or outages.
Fast, Secure and Intelligent
FortiGSLB helps optimize end client requests for a specific domain by dynamically distributing workload across virtual servers, data centers and locations. In particular, FortiGSLB incorporates several techniques to:
- Direct internet application traffic to multiple servers behind one single external IP address
- Let Customer define policies for the dynamic selection of preferred pools of servers
FQDN object will map a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) to a set of virtual servers (pool), and the administrator can do the global geographic policy in this object. The administrator has defined the pool objects and the location objects. A pool object can bind a location object as a member for the FQDN object, and the FQDN object can define multiple members. When the DNS queries try to reach FortiGSLB Cloud, the service will do the first level load balancing according to the virtual server pool selection method. The DNS queries will be forwarded to a pool, and the virtual servers will respond according to the pool's preferred schedule methods for the queries.
FortiGSLB uses health checks to poll the members of the generic host to test whether an application is available.
Pool object is a group of virtual servers that perform the same role on the network. The administrator puts the virtual servers with the same role into one pool. The administrator can also divide one pool into several sub pools according the geographic location.
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INTERSYSTEM Ingegneria Informatica S.r.l. Societ� a socio unico P.IVA 00865531008 CF 01203550353 CU MITWDG8 CCIA: 614171 � 2000-2019
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