FortiGuard Web Filtering Service, f/ Fortinet FortiADC-VM01
Stop Web-based Threats
Protect your organization by blocking access to malicious, hacked, or inappropriate websites with FortiGuard Web Filtering. Web filtering is the first line of defense against web-based attacks. Malicious or hacked websites, a primary vector for initiating attacks, trigger downloads of malware, spyware, or risky content.
FortiGuard Web Filtering is the only web filtering service in the industry that is VBWeb certified for security effectiveness by Virus Bulletin. It blocked 97.7% of direct malware downloads and stopped 83.5% of malware served through all tested methods in Virus Bulletins 2015 VBWeb security testing. According to Virus Bulletin, Fortinet is the only vendor in the 2016 VBWeb tests confident enough in our security solution to share results in a public test.
The web filtering service is available through FortiGate next generation firewall, FortiSandbox, FortiClient, and FortiCache solutions, letting you easily see and control what websites your users are visiting.
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INTERSYSTEM Ingegneria Informatica S.r.l. Societ� a socio unico P.IVA 00865531008 CF 01203550353 CU MITWDG8 CCIA: 614171 � 2000-2019
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