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PartNumber: 65293716
  Adobe Coldfusion Ent   No Login .... No Prezzo   Aggiungi Prodotto al Carrello
2018 Dvd Set 1U En      
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 Altri articoli del Produttore:  Adobe      
 Altri articoli nelle Categorie:/ Software / Grafica Digitale / Web Design      

Whats new in the 2018 release of Adobe ColdFusion?\nThe all-new Performance Monitoring Toolkit to monitor Servers. All-around functionality results in code that flies 30% faster, without ever compromising on overall security and performance.
Enterprise applications. \nEffortless development.\nSlash coding time and effort while developing web and mobile applications that are robust and scalable.
Secure the code.\nSafeguard the core.\nRely on the most secure development platform to bullet-proof your applications. Use an array of trusted tools and proven techniques to secure your server.
Deep insights.\nDramatic results.\nControl and optimize with the all-new, powerful Performance Monitoring Toolkit a standalone server with low overhead.
Extend services.\nEmbrace new customers.\nWiden your outreach and grow your business by unlocking the power of APIs. Build a more successful, cost-effective API program by managing, securing, and transforming APIs across their lifecycle.
Asynchronous programming\nBoost the performance of your principal application by offloading resource-intensive code segments to a secondary thread. Simply use the RUNASYNC function to execute code without the overhead of managing multiple threads. Once the result is ready to be consumed, youll receive a notification.
Server monitor\nFlag performance issues and isolate problem areas so that you can initiate corrective action much faster. Know the average response time and throughput across the cluster, or specific to a node, application, or page, in real time. The information will also be automatically archived for historical analysis.
Auto lockdown\nNow implement lockdown of your production server with a single click. All steps in the lockdown guide will be systematically followed, ensuring that security measures are fail-safe and in compliance. Post-lockdown, the system will continue to be monitored for potential breaches.
Code profiler\nSwiftly identify, analyze, debug and resolve complex performance issues buried deep in your code. Get the detailed information required to pinpoint the root cause of bottlenecks, and troubleshoot complex applications more effectively.

  Peso Lordo: 1 Kg
Dimensioni Lorde: 100x100x100 mm
 Adobe - Sito web:http://  

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