Serviceability 5x8 Start-up service included\nRequired for full coverage of factory warranty Front-access servicing\nSimplifies installation and UPS maintenance while minimizing space requirements. Economy Cost of acquisition\nDesigned to provide an optimized price/performance ratio, a number of exceptional features have been carefully selected to optimize both performance and cost benefits. Availability Dual feed input\nAllows installation of two independent power sources with the option of hot stand-by configuration to provide redundancy for mission critical applications. Parallel-redundant capable\nPower the connected equipment with multiple uninterruptible power supplies to increase system redundancy Double conversion on-line topology\nGuarantees a consistently high level of power quality. Any disturbances on the distribution waveform are regenerated via the zero transfer time AC to DC then DC to AC conversion process. The battery is only used as a back-up source. Wide input voltage range\nDesigned for harsh electrical environments to save battery life. Sustainability RoHS\nCertifies that electronic devices don't contain hazardous metals and flame retardants EU CoC for UPS\nEnsures that UPSs sold in the EU are highly efficient Convenience Easy to install\nInnovative design allows for fast, easy installation by almost anybody. Manageability Integrated network management\nProvides complete remote monitoring and control of the UPS. Enables you to monitor remote UPS's from a web browser or industry standard Network Management System.
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INTERSYSTEM Ingegneria Informatica S.r.l. Societ� a socio unico P.IVA 00865531008 CF 01203550353 CU MITWDG8 CCIA: 614171 � 2000-2019
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