SwitchBlade x3100 Series access edge chassis switches are available in either 12- or 6-slot versions and primarily targeted for service provider fiber access networks. Equally at home in the enterprise network edge or in the data center, the SwitchBlade x3100 is designed to deliver high availability and maximum performance with a wirespeed non-blocking backplane and high port count. FTTx Service Provider Applications\nThe SwitchBlade x3100 is a versatile, carrier-class FTTx platform for delivering Gigabit services to residential, Multi-Dwelling Unit (MDU) and business customers in the last mile. It features redundant power supplies, controllers, and WAN ports to ensure reliability standards in carrier networks are met, along with powerful sub-50 millisecond failover protection using EPSRing for link level protection. The AT-SBx3112 is available with AC or DC power options. As a FTTx platform, the SwitchBlade x3100 can support a maximum of 400 ports (12-slot chassis) or 160 ports (6-slot chassis) using 40-port 1000Mbps CSFP-based line cards (AT-SBx31GC40). It can also support redundant 10G uplinks using 4 ports on the CFC960 or 6-port SFP+-based line cards (AT-SBx31XS6). Both the CFC and the line card support LAG and EPSR on uplinks when used as transport. The SwitchBlade x3112 can act as an aggregation hub for last-mile FTTx applications using 10G line cards. It features 80 Gigabit non-blocking throughput to each slot, thus providing a maximum level of performance for FTTx services, both 1G and 10G. Coupled with ultra-fast 960G central fabric controllers, FTTx services can operate at wirespeed connectivity. An evolution of the Allied Telesis tried and tested iMAP carrier-grade platform, the SwitchBlade x3100 delivers true IP Triple Play services such as IPTV, VoIP, Tiered High Speed Internet Access (HSIA), and other cloud-based services such as Over-the-Top video, remote storage and backup, and cloud computing. Raw performance combined with high availability also allows it to be deployed as both end-of-row and aggregation in data center applications, and in campus applications as the ultimate in network edge connectivity.
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INTERSYSTEM Ingegneria Informatica S.r.l. Societ� a socio unico P.IVA 00865531008 CF 01203550353 CU MITWDG8 CCIA: 614171 � 2000-2019
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