0.010 kg, Iphone 7, PET
The screen protectors from DICOta are manufactured using state-of-the-art precision machines and are accurately cut to the appropriate size. The perfect fit is guaranteed. The protector is very easy to attach. It attaches to the screen in seconds and starts working immediately. No more scratches, fewer annoying fingerprint marks and high anti-reflective. The film can be removed easily without leaving any residues at any time. Rely on a German quality product: simple and practical to use.
- High colour fidelity
- Clear view at all times
- Reduction of reflections
- Reduction of fingerprint marks
- High mechanical resistance
- Attaches easily without forming bubbles
- No residue when removed
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INTERSYSTEM Ingegneria Informatica S.r.l. Societ� a socio unico P.IVA 00865531008 CF 01203550353 CU MITWDG8 CCIA: 614171 � 2000-2019
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